Obesity has become a crisis of worldwide proportions. People & governments struggle to pay for skyrocketing health insurance premiums, due in part to the cost of treatment of the many deadly diseases caused by obesity, such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, on & on. The cause of this catastrophic epidemic is no mystery: Easy access to huge portions of cheap, fattening fast food coupled with the most sedentary lifestyles in human history.
Well, everybody with even half a brain knows all that (and most are sick of hearing it, too). We're also sick of hearing about the typical regime encouraged by doctors & insufferable "ripped" t.v. fitness gurus (most of whom have never had to struggle with their weight a day in their fortunate lives): "Get off that couch and do at least an hour of intense cardio & weight training 4 times a week! No pain, no gain!"
Meanwhile, back on Earth....
What busy people want and desperately need is a workable, inexpensive, real-world solution to this nightmare. But what exactly does that mean when it comes to exercise? How does a mere six minutes a dayor less sound? Doable? You bet it is!
You may well be asking yourself "How can exercising such a short amount of time accomplish anything? The 'experts' have been saying for decades that we need to work up a serious sweat for extended periods to lose the lard!" Well, you'll be happy to learn that the latest in metabolic science has proven that to be a myth! The real way to achieve rapid weight loss, a strong heart & lungs, normal blood pressure & blood sugar and muscular development is to focus on the INTENSITY of your exercise - NOT ITS DURATION. When people do aerobics or weight training for long periods, they do indeed burn body fat as they exercise - but this is an insidious trap, because when body fat is burned in such a way, the brain responds "Hey - I'm losing my energy storage fat cells here! This is serious! I'll make new fat cells to replace them, and more to be on the safe side!"
But when exercise consists of going all-out in short bursts with brief rest periods between, the immediate fat loss comes not from the fat around your waist, thighs, arms, etc. but from the bloodstream. When this is the case, your brain doesn't react in the maddeningly self-defeating "must make more fat!" way I just described.
Exactly how does the unsightly, unhealthy body fat we want gone vanish if not during the brief, intense bursts of exercise? AFTER the exercise is when the really impressive benefits occur. When engaging in this new way of getting fit, you continue to burn body fat for up to a WHOLE DAY after an exercise session!
So how do you do it? Actually, the specific exercises you choose to do are of secondary importance, as long as you do them with maximum intensity. For myself, I'm currently using just a cheap stationary bicycle pedal exerciser (the small kind without handlebars or a seat). I pedal like there's a hell hound on my trail for 30 seconds, then rest 10 seconds to catch my breath. I repeat this process for 6-10 minutes, using both feet & hands - and that's all! Combining this easy regimen with the painless no white bread/no sugar diet I outlined in my first Wonder How To article is producing real, sustainable results!
As I said, you need not do exactly what I do for the exact amount of time. Mix it up for variety if you like: Jumping jacks are a good choice, as are squats, push-ups, abdominal crunches, running on a treadmill, virtually any of the conventional exercises that raise the heart/breathing rate. All are advised by the various advocates of PACE/interval training. There are many web videos demonstrating the different variations of these to spice up your personal routine. Any vigorous exercise done with this formula will work. Just be sure to ask your doctor about starting the regimen, and don't push yourself far beyond your level of fitness at first.
You'll be the strong, healthy, sleek person you've always wanted to be, faster than you ever thought possible!
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