How To: Get lucious full lips with exercises & no procedures

Get lucious full lips with exercises & no procedures

In this video from FaceworksUK we learn how to get luscious full lips with exercises and no procedures. Make a pout with your lips so there is small gap between them. Push the pout outwards so both lips are extended as far as they can go equally. Keep pushing as far and as hard as you can. The focus point in the gap between your lips. Keep you lips slightly apart. Relax your lips. Make a pout and push out as far as it can and keep pushing out. Don't relax. Hold for 10. Now relax. Pout with the lips, push out, keep pushing. This tones the lips particularly the upper lip and fills out wrinkles in the top lip and also firms the face. Make a pout and push out again focusing on the little gap. Don't relax, hold for 10. Relax. Do this exercise everyday for 2 weeks.

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