Ever wished those flabs of fat would just disappear? Ever envied those models with skinny flat stomachs that no matter how hard you try, you just can't get? You've come to the right place. Even those of you who can't resist leaving a single morsel left on your plates will be forced into a skinnier, healthier shape.
Things You Will Need in Order to Succeed
- Some willpower
- Time
- Lightweight snacks such as pumpkin seeds, almonds, pistachios, etc.
- Paper and pencil
Control Your Pantry
The first step is to get rid of all those snacks that make it simply impossible for you to keep your dieting promises. So, in order to get rid of those temptations, DO NOT GO GROCERY SHOPPING UNTIL YOU ARE NEARLY ALL OUT OF SNACKS.
After that, I want you to go eat the biggest meal of your life until you feel like exploding. Shortly after you've eaten, and you still feel bloated and full, go grocery shopping. Feeling full will help decrease your temptation for all those fattening snacks you can't live without. This will make it easier for you to pick healthier foods, but we're not aiming for healthy just yet.
I want you to go pick out a bunch of things like pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds and pistachios, etc. Make sure that they're not salted or have spices or anything like that. After you do that, go look for some other snacks that take a long time to eat but have very few calories. Fruits could also work if you're a fruit person, but vegetables would be much better if you can do that. (Personally, I feel like eating even more when I eat vegetables, so see which works best for you.) After you're done with that, buy yourself a treat or two that you can't give up and head home. Once you're home, I want you to eat your main meal of the day like usual, BUT every time you feel like eating a snack, I want you to substitute it with something from the stuff that you just bought (like nuts, seeds, etc.).
Controlling your pantry is probably the most important step in this process, because even if you do get hungry and can't resist the craving you have for some chocolate cake or cookies, not having them in the house will automatically make you eat something else instead.
Change Your Eating Style
I know this might sound silly to you at first, but there's a handful of tricks out there that can help you lose weight without even really trying. That's why changing your eating style could make a huge difference with only a little bit of effort. The brain in general requires 20 minutes before it feels like it's full. If you're a fast eater, this is probably why it take two sandwhiches to get you full instead of one.
Chewing slowly and drinking water between every other bite not only gets you more nutrients out of your food, but it is also healthier and will make you full faster. But if you can't be patient enough to do that, you can try something else. Even though i don't recommend it, drink a cup of water (not cold) and then start eating. Hopefully the water will help fill you up a little. Another thing you can try is setting a time limit for yourself, like telling yourself what I don't finish eating in 12 minutes I can't eat until it's dinner time or until my favorite TV show comes on. Try delaying your hunger if you find yourself not hungry but simply wanting to eat for the taste.
Know What & How Much You Eat
This is a very important factor that I probably should've mentioned first. Knowing what you eat and how much of it determines what kind of eating problem you have and how you should deal with it. For some it's the TYPE of food they eat that causes them to get fat (fast food, lots of meat). For some, it's HOW MUCH they eat that causes them to wear XXL sized clothes. And for some, it's hormones and they have to get a professional's advice and help.
Anyway, I want you to get some paper and a pen and jot down what you've eaten yesterday. I want you to list EVERY single bit of food and drink you consumed. If you can't remember, list everything you've eaten today instead. After you've got your list, I want you to read it and reflect on it.
Try identifying your problem. Is it that you eat TOO much, or is simply the food TYPES that you choose that are causing your weight to be above average? If you have a problem with eating too much, you should focus more on the tips and tricks listed in STEP 2. If you have the problem with the types of foods you eat, you should focus more on the tips in STEP 1.
I hope that the article helped and wasn't a complete waste of your time. Feel free to ask me any questions you might have regarding the article. I hope you do know that the easiest way to being fit and skinny is by doing exercise and eating healthy. But if you can't stick to a workout routine or a healthy dietary plan, then I guess following the tips and tricks in these article will help you slim down. Lastly, I would like you to read the tips below as well as the warnings.
- Try not eating a variety of foods in small portions one after another. (Ex: eating a handful of chips at 3:40, then a handful of popcorn at 3:50, then have half of a chocolate bar etc. Try avoiding this. It makes it harder for your stomach to break the food down.)
- Remember, there's a difference between being hungry and simply eating out of desire or just for the taste.
- You can always try chewing on a stick of gum whenever you feel the need to eat something.
- If none of these methods work for you, you can always try Skinny Spa Sauna. I have not personally tried it, but they say it supposedly makes you lose about 10-15lbs. in four sessions. I HAVE NOT TRIED IT NOR DO I KNOW A PERSON WHO HAS, so if you do choose to try it, do so at your own risk!
- Brushing your teeth also helps to calm down your stomach. Brushing your teeth is like telling your body that eating time is over.
- Try getting a little exercise into your day by shopping for your clothes and such in the mall instead of going to the plazas. Going to the mall will automatically make you walk around a bit and check out this store and that store, etc.
- You can always follow the banana diet and eat bananas every time you get hungry. ;)
- Don't forget to let yourself enjoy eating sometimes. It's okay to have that 500 calorie slice of pizza once in a while as long as you keep your diet balanced most of the time.
- Try writing down what you need from the grocery store and only buying what you wrote down.
- If you've got enough willpower, try changing your diet. Look up some Greek or Mediterranean recipes filled with vegetables and carbohydrates.
- Also, if you plan on eating a lot of nuts, I suggest you soak them first. Because according to a post on whorganic, "The main reason [to soak your nuts] is because of something called anti-nutrients nuts and seeds build up that your body cannot digest unless they are broken down by soaking."
- Do not delay your hunger for a long period of time and starve yourself.
- If you feel dizzy or experience any other problems because you're trying to delay your eating time or you're eating too little, then GO AHEAD AND EAT UNLESS YOU WANT TO HURT YOURSELF.
- If you're the sort of person with health issues and really have to watch your diet, then I really would recommend going to your doctor first before changing your eating habits.
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